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T-arc launches new sister site PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   

9/17/11 - T-arc launches sister site, TEXASGHOSTS.ORG, in celebration of our 12 years of service.  This new site includes everything from user-submitted photos, to videos, fictional stories, and media debunking services....just about anything and everything to do with ghosts and hauntings.  Come on over and browse around.  Almost everyone has a story, picture, or even just knows a good fable they heard around a camp fire. 

 Got a picture, video, or experience for which you want feedback?  Can do.  We've debunked over 200,000 pieces of media in the last 15 years, so, without tootin' our own horn, we've gotten pretty good at it!

T-arc welcomes one and all to the celebratory launch of TEXASGHOSTS.ORG.