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Paranormal Investigators
Sites of other reputable paranormal investigators.
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# Web Link Hits
1   Link   S.P.I.R.I.T Ghost Hunter
A professional team of men and women dedicated to investigation and research of the paranormal, with the goal of finding answers to the unknown.
2   Link   The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS)
3   Link   South Jersey Ghost Research
South Jersey Ghost Research is a professional non profit research group with years of experience helping people who are frightened of or just curious about possible ghost activity in their home or business. We will assist anyone in New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and NYC. South Jersey Ghost Research assists anyone in need of our services for free.
4   Link   Lone Star Spirits
Paranormal Investigators in Texas. One of Texas oldest paranormal teams, having been formed in 1997 and gained a web presence starting in 1998. Thier work has been documented in many books, magazines, local and national TV shows and local , national and internet radio interviews. Lone Star Spirits are available for classes, investigations, speaking engagements, as well as, consultations for television projects. Anything and everything about ghosts in Texas - locations, stories, photos and investigations and equipment.